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आते हैं गैब से यह मज़ामी ख़याल में,
ग़ालिब सरीर-ए-खामा नवाए सुरोश है
These thoughts that I commit to words come straight from the unknown,
The susurrus my quill doth make, is in fact the angel who spake.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

the power and speed of time

everything is getting enveloped in a fraction of a second at every passing moment. its happening faster than it can register in our constantly active mind. unless we learn to dwell between moments from where the universal or supreme consciousness is reigning.

the whole life that we have lived till now doesn't exist anywhere but in our memories. the existence of everything we know, see hear or learn is very fragile. no matter how essential to retain it may seem to function in day to day life. it is what keeps us away from reality and our real self. in order to pursue or learn or realize the existence beyond our corporeal self, its a must accept the diminishing effect of time. its not a choice we can make, time is constantly changing every thing, person and situation. its taking it away from us.

when you travel its most exemplary as the place and surrounding we leave behind only exist in our memory which we feed regularly. time acts very fast and its doesn't spare anyone. it never has. those who came before us are all gone and so will we. only those who ascend beyond the perishable existence or the will of time, becoming one with the universal ego reach beyond the confines of time.

I often experience this while i am traveling. I instantly lose all connections from the place i leave and belong to the new place like i have always lived here. when i m heading back its like going to a new place altogether. none of its visible on the face, to anyone outside as it doesn't relate to the physical functioning but i know the difference inside.

life exists between every breath and every moment. if you dwell in it you can reach the source and everything starts to respond to you unlike its commonly known. there is a new system designed specifically for your accord everywhere.

everything that we perceive is determined by time and time makes everything ephemeral. as at a particular moment certain things, feelings, people seem extremely valuable, almost indispensable. our constant association of the future keeps us wandering in our imagination. our imagination is feed regularly with projections and manifestations to establish certain incidents as truth. imagine the death of your dearest one. the event itself brings no grief or bother you at all unless the information reaches you of its occurrence. it seems to churn your whole existence in an instant. even though if asked to just imagine, it wouldn't have 5 % percent of the same impact.

now the point of self-introspect being that why and how much are we letting time manipulate our being. it makes us believe anything. similarly one day the time allotted for physical being will be over and it will be considered the end of our existence. this is the irony of the influence of time built over our age.

recently discussing this with a friend, his apprehension took over and he asked then are we supposed to live in fear. no not at all. even if its your fear then facing it or mere acknowledging it will make it perish in thing air. its only when you run away from something or are not aware of it completely. it leads to anxiety and ultimately fear.

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