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आते हैं गैब से यह मज़ामी ख़याल में,
ग़ालिब सरीर-ए-खामा नवाए सुरोश है
These thoughts that I commit to words come straight from the unknown,
The susurrus my quill doth make, is in fact the angel who spake.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The 'Self'

The pleasure, attachment, fun, solicitude, responsibility, joy, etc. we feel in any situation, for any person or for any thing, is of the 'self'. If you eradicate 'self' from there, nothing will remain. So dont associate with them falsely.

The aversion, anger, lust, greed, fear, etc. we feel from somewhere is only when we deny the presence of the 'self' or get away from it. It is also refered as 'Brahm'

If you remember & realize the 'self' everywhere everytime, we will be free or liberated from this labourious life of fettering woes. 

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